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Efficient Strategies for Seamless EHR Systems Implementation

September 13, 2023

By Mago Saldana

We know that implementing a new Electronic Health Record (EHR) system is a significant endeavor for medical offices, especially balancing execution and transition while continuing to deliver efficient and high-quality patient care. We often talk to doctors who are worried that the transition to a new EHR will be long and messy.

In this post, we’re exploring strategies that expedite the implementation process of electronic health records systems. The following ideas are based on our experience as an EHR provider and the onboarding processes we developed:

Engaging Key Stakeholders

Your EHR system should align seamlessly with your practice’s specific workflows and requirements, while proactively addressing any concerns that may arise. By actively engaging clinicians, administrators, and other key personnel, and fostering collaboration and communication throughout, your EHR provider can better understand your needs and design a smoother and more efficient transition.

Putting Together a Well-Defined EHR Implementation Plan

A key aspect of expediting the implementation of EHR platforms is developing a well-defined implementation plan and structured process. We work closely with providers to create a customized plan with clear and achievable objectives, milestones, and timelines. By breaking the EHR implementation into manageable phases and prioritizing the essential features of each unique practice, MD Charts ensures efficient deployment, allowing providers to understand what is expected of them in each stage of the implementation cycle.  This allows MD Charts to accurately architect the system to meet their needs.

Allocating Adequate Resources and Skill Sets

Resource allocation is a key component in a smooth implementation of EHR systems.  Following a careful assessment, your EHR implementation team should determine what internal skill sets and resources (e.g. physicians, nurses, admins, billers, etc.) will be needed at each stage of the system’s implementation. Allocating the right resource at the right times minimizes delays and ensures timely completion of tasks. You should be able to keep your focus on patient care while the new EHR is put in place.

Embracing Change Management

Implementing a new EHR does require adapting to the system’s workflows. The EHR’s implementation team should be knowledgeable and experienced. They should recognize the challenges associated with change management, offer comprehensive strategies to minimize resistance and maximize user adoption. Through proactive communication and training during the implementation phase, and ongoing support, your EHR provider should facilitate a smooth transition.

Monitoring and Evaluating Your New EHR System

Throughout the process of implementing electronic health records systems, it is important to closely monitor and evaluate results. During implementation, your EHR provider should perform assessments of milestones, timelines, and resource allocation to identify any obstacles or deviations from the plan.

Once your office starts using the new EHR, it is recommended to periodically work with your EHR company to ensure that your system continues to meet your growing needs. This will allow your EHR provider to tweak the system and improve its utility for you over time. Some systems (like MD Charts) were designed with greater levels of flexibility, allowing us to adjust some of the settings to better suit the needs of each user.

Why Consider MD Charts as Your EHR Partner?

MD Charts was designed as a highly flexible and robust EHR software platform, allowing us to implement the system in most offices proficiently.  By developing a well-defined plan, engaging key stakeholders, allocating adequate resources and skill sets, embracing change management, and closely monitoring progress, MD Charts leads an effective process to set up EHR in your office and maximize its benefits.

Contact us today – let us help you achieve operational excellence with comprehensive and user-friendly EHR software.

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